October 9th, 2023 marked a grim chapter in TikTok history, as a disturbing live stream left viewers shocked. In an era where exposing and cancellations are at its prime, is it possible some allegations are made with the wrong intentions? That’s allegedly what happened to TikToker Inquistore3 and the public is outraged. Let’s unravel the truth. https://www.change.org/p/create-an-inquisitor-skin-in-call-of-duty-to-honor-his-memory https://www.gofundme.com/f/justice-for-inquisitor?member=30543457 If you find yourself in a similar situation, please seek support: https://nationaltoolkit.csw.fsu.edu/resource/national-suicide-prevention-lifeline-1-800-273-talk-8255/ [Music Licenses] Code: ZSBPENH9GNYZUMTE, NXGQ9AIMYLI90X3P, BBN0UPPHI5PQFMIY, GQ3FVCJCIIEPWA64, QNQXDP299OXDLFN0